Front Matter
Issues, News, & Goings On
If Rumors Were Horses
Katina Strauch
From Your Editor
Katina Strauch
Letters to the Editor
Katina Strauch
Library Roles with Textbook Affordability
Charles Lyons
Spreading the Word, Building a Community: Vision for a National Librarian OER Movement
Nicole Allen, Steven Bell, and Marilyn Billings
Getting Faculty into the Fight: The Battle Against High Textbook Costs
Ann Agee and Christina Mune
The Michigan State University Course Materials Program: Packing Up Your Textbook Troubles with Course Packs
Tyler Smeltekop
All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go
Monica Metz-Wiseman
TextSelect: Purchasing Textbooks for Library Reserves
David Gibbs and Jessica Bowdoin
The UCLA Libraries Affordable Course Materials Initiative: Expanding Access, Use, and Affordability of Course Materials
Sharon E. Farb and Todd Grappone
Op Ed -- Opinions and Editorials
David Nelson
IMHBCO (In My Humble But Correct Opinion)
Rick Anderson
Back Talk: Are Seeds for the Birds or Libraries?
Tony Ferguson
ATG Special Report: Academic Library Streaming Video: Key Findings from the National Survey
Deg Farrelly and Jane Hutchison
ATG Special Report: Chromebook or Surface Pro for the Library Enterprise?
Mimmo Bonanni and Dennis Brunning
ATG Interviews
ATG Interviews: Gilles de La Rouchefoucauld
Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Dr. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour
Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: David McCune, SAGE; Jason Hoyt and Peter Binfield, PeerJ
Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
Profiles Encouraged
Book Reviews: Monographic Musings
Deb Vaughn
Collecting to the Core: Evolution for Everyone
Anne Doherty and Louise F. Deis
Media-Centered: More Docs to Watch
Winifred Fordham Metz
Booklover: #nobelliteraturelaureates
Donna Jacobs
Legal Issues
Cases of Note: Sometimes It's Not a Federal Action
Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, and Jack Montgomery
Questions and Answers: Copyright Column
Laura Gassaway
Legally Speaking -- Decoder Ring
Jerry Spiller, Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, and Jack Montgomery
Digital Conversations: "Our Library Needs to Change"
Paul Chilsen and Todd Kelley
From a University Press: Taking Special Collections Digital
Leila W. Salisbury
Biz of Acq: Setting the Stage: Scenario Planning for Acquisitions
Michelle Flinchbaugh, Tonia Graves, and Rob Tench
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings
Ramune Kubilius
Bookselling and Vending
Analyze This: Usage and Your Collection
Kate Lawrence, Deirdre Costello, and Kathleen McEvoy
Notes from Langlois: Epilogue to Thoughts on Sustainability
Scott Alan Smith
Little Red Herrings: Here's Looking at You, Selfie
Mark Y. Herring
Technology and Standards
Blurring Lines: eBooks and DRM
David Parker
Standards Column -- COUNTER Online Metrics
Peter T. Shepherd and Anne Osterman
Pelikan's Antidisambiguation: "I didn't sign that. Wait. Did I?"
Michael P. Pelikan