Front Matter
Issues, News, & Goings On
If Rumors Were Horses
Katina Strauch
From Your Editor
Katina Strauch
Letters to the Editor
Katina Strauch
Transformation in Acquisitions
Jesse Holden
eBooks and Efficiencies in Acquisitions Expenditures and Workflows
Wm. Joseph Thomas, Heather Racine, and Dan Shouse
The Evolution of Academic Book Vendor Services for eBooks
Kristine Baker and Ann-Marie Breaux
A Demand-Driven Future
Elizabeth R. Lorbeer
What's Next for eBook Acquisitions? Challenges for Libraries, Vendors, and Publishers
Stephen M. Brooks
How Technology Fee Funding Transformed Collection Decisions at the University of Central Florida
Michael A. Arthur and Natasha White
Gifting, Funding, Innovating: An Acquisitions Transformation
Tiffany Russell
Back Talk-What's the Problem?
Anthony W. Ferguson
ATG Interviews
ATG Interviews Bryn Geffert
Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews Karen Phillips, Vice President, SAGE
Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews Khal Rudin, Director, Adam Matthew
Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews Peter Berkery, Executive Director, AAUP
Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
Profiles Encouraged
Book Reviews-Monographic Musings
Debbie Vaughn
Legal Issues
Cases of Note-Copyright vs. Implied-in-Fact Contract
Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, and Jack Montgomery
Questions and Answers-Copyright Column
Laura N. Gasaway
Biz of Acq-A Mentor's Manifesto: Moving from Legacy to Innovation
Antje Mays and Michelle Flinchbaugh
And They Were There-Reports of Meetings
Ramune K. Kubilius
Don's Notes-Special Meeting Reports: TOC and PDA Conferences
Donald T. Hawkins
Bookselling and Vending
Donna Jacobs
Collecting to the Core-Women's Studies in African History
Summer Durrant and Ann Doherty
Analyze This: Usage and Your Collection
Rossi Morris and Kathleen McEvoy
Curating Collective Collections—Agriculture and Rural Life: A Discipline or Domain-Based Approach to Preservation and Access
Sam Demas, Amy Paster, and Joy Paulson
Little Red Herrings-If You Build It They (Really) Will Come
Mark Y. Herring
Technology and Standards
Pelikan's Antidisambiguation: Of Glass, Cloud Access, Possession, Knowledge, and Privacy
Michael P. Pelikan
At Brunning: People & Technology: At the Only Edge that Means Anything/How We Understand What We Do
Dennis Brunning
Changing Library Operations: Information Literacy and E-resources: The Credo Student Survey
Allen McKiel and Jim Dooley