The following chapter files belong to the Second Edition of Principles of Aseptic Processing and Packaging, which was published in 1993. These chapter files are provided by the Purdue University Department of Food Science and are copyrighted by the Food Processors Institute. The third edition of this text, published August 2010 by arrangement with the Grocery Manufacturers’ Association Science and Education Foundation, is available from the Purdue University Press.

Access to these chapters is currently restricted to members of the Purdue University community.

2nd Edition

Front Matter, The Food Processors Institute

Chapter 3: Residence Time Distribution in Aseptic Processing, Rakesh K. Singh

Chapter 2: The System and Its Elements, Daryl B. Lund and Rakesh K. Singh

Chapter 1: Introduction, Philip E. Nelson

Table of Contents, The Food Processors Institute

Chapter 10: Glossary of Terms, The Food Processors Institute

Chapter 9: Federal Regulation of Aseptic Processing and Packaging, LLoyd R. Hontz

Chapter 8: Establishing the Aseptic Processing and Packaging Operation, Dane T. Bernard, Austin Gavin, Virginia N. Scott, Dilip I. Chandarana, George Arndt, and Brad Shafer

Chapter 7: Polymeric Packaging Materials: Characterization and Performance, Jack R. Giacin

Chapter 6: Aseptic Packaging Technology, John D. Floros

Chapter 5: Chemistry of Aseptically Processed Foods, S. Suzanne Nielsen, Joseph E. Marcy, and George D. Sadler

Chapter 4: Microbiology of Aseptic Processing and Packaging, M. A. Cousin