Volume 13, Issue 2 (2024) Style Revisited
Style Revisited
Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Catherine Dossin, and Nicola Carboni
Manufacturing National Boundaries? The Notion of Style Between Identity Constructions and Spatial Approaches
Michela Passini
A Legacy of Discord: Controversial Meanings in American Mudéjar Style (20th–21st centuries)
Francisco Mamani Fuentes
How Many Annunciations Are There? Using European Prints to Digitally Explore the Iconographic Style of Eighteenth-Century Portuguese Azulejos
Rosário S. Carvalho
Style, Nonetheless. Eight Good Reasons to Reject the Notion of Style; Three Reasons to Use It Nonetheless
Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel
The Computational Eye. Deconstructing Style in Digital Art History
Paul Guhennec and Ellen Charlesworth
Présence et identité des collectionneurs dans les biennales (1948-1965)
Sophie Dolto and Anthony Chenevard

Publication generously supported by the Imago/Visual Contagions Project, the École Normale Supérieure, the University of Geneva, and the European Commission.