This special issue has been conceived in the framework of the project Ré.Part. - Résistance(s) Partisane(s): Culture visuelle, imaginaires collectifs et mémoire révolutionnaire (Université Grenoble Alpes, ANR-15-IDEX-02) and the research project MoDe(s) – Decentralized Modernities: Art, Politics and Counterculture in the Transatlantic Axis during the Cold War (Universidad de Barcelona, HAR2017-82755-P).
We are very thankful for the support of the Jean Monnet Excellence Centre IMAGO (École normale supérieure - Université Paris Sciences Lettres, co-funded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union) and of the Laboratoire de Recherches Historiques Rhône Alpes.
Many thanks to the editorial team of Artl@s Bulletin as well as Tobias Locker for the work done on the manuscripts.
Recommended Citation
Barreiro López, Paula. "Partisan Genealogies: Radical Visual (and Political) Practices. An Introduction." Artl@s Bulletin 11, no. 1 (2022): Article 9.