The ISG role is to promote interactions among researchers across ALS disciplines in order to: guide NSCORT research toward the overall design of a life support system of acceptable cost and reliability, collect and disseminate knowledge from past and present ALS research, promote collaboration among researchers at all three institutions. Personnel and technology have helped the ISG to achieve steps illustrated here. The principal investigators, postdoctoral staff, and graduate students have engaged in knowledge elicitation and modeling activities. The analysis leading to two ICES-2003 papers were important products. As shown in the mass and energy balance (far right), the long-term systems strategy makes innovative use of optimization. The group has held ongoing discussion of the key research questions worthy of attention. How will proposed NSCORT process technology, when optimally designed into the system, reduce mass and energy requirements and ultimately equivalent system mass (ESM)? Building on the modeling work accomplished to date, a detailed steady-state mass balance is being developed for a system including existing technology and proposed processes as available data is refined.
1 slide
Provider Notes:Here's the poster covering general systems group activities, a task which was delegated to me and gladly accepted.
Related Documents:WM1, WM2, WM3, WM8
Document Provided By:
George Applequist
Project Lead
Joseph Pekny
Date of this Version
November 2003
ALS NSCORT Project Number
Project 15 - Simulation Based Approach to Model and Design of an Advanced Life Support System.
.pdf version 1.4 (Acrobat 5.x)
Project Administrator
David Kotterman;
Internal Documents: Management: External Advisory
Copyright 2003, ALS-NSCORT. All Rights Reserved.
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A presentation showing the integration of various group projects in the formation of an ALS system model.