Agriculture Reports
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Bowling, Laura C.; Widhalm, Melissa; Cherkauer, Keith A.; Beckerman, Janna; Brouder, Sylvie; Buzan, Jonathan; Doering, Otto; Dukes, Jeffrey; Ebner, Paul; Frankenburger, Jane; Gramig, Benjamin; Kladivko, Eileen J.; Lee, Charlotte; Volenec, Jeffrey; and Weil, Cliff, "Indiana’s Agriculture in a Changing Climate: A Report from the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment" (2018). Agriculture Reports. Paper 1.
Indiana has long been one of the nation’s leaders in agricultural productivity. Favorable temperatures and precipitation help Indiana farmers generate over $31 billion worth of sales per year, making the state 11th in total agricultural products sold.
Changes to the state’s climate over the coming decades, including increasing temperatures, changes in precipitation amounts and patterns, and rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air will result in several direct and indirect impacts to the state’s agricultural industry.
This report from the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment (IN CCIA) describes how projected changes in the state’s climate will affect the health of livestock and poultry, growing season conditions for crops, the types of crops that can be planted, soil health and water quality as well as weed, pest and disease pressure for agricultural production statewide.
Indiana, climate, climate change, agriculture, row crops, livestock, soil, water, specialty crops
Date of this Version
Sponsoring Organization
Purdue Climate Change Research Center