Presenter Information

Eric NaumanFollow


The ever-increasing rate of technological innovation presents challenges to educators in science and engineering. As we attempt to develop more engineering students, we must teach more material in less time, curb breaches in academic integrity, and include professional and global development. Methods for accomplishing many of these goals have been developed and tested, but have not been widely integrated into day-to-day instruction. There are a number of important reasons for this and this discussion will explore the roles of the various stakeholders (ABET, Publishing Houses, University Administration, Faculty, and Students) and propose solutions that have the potential to maximize learning.



The roles of ABET, publishers, administration, faculty, and students in the adoption of innovative educational tools at colleges and universities

The ever-increasing rate of technological innovation presents challenges to educators in science and engineering. As we attempt to develop more engineering students, we must teach more material in less time, curb breaches in academic integrity, and include professional and global development. Methods for accomplishing many of these goals have been developed and tested, but have not been widely integrated into day-to-day instruction. There are a number of important reasons for this and this discussion will explore the roles of the various stakeholders (ABET, Publishing Houses, University Administration, Faculty, and Students) and propose solutions that have the potential to maximize learning.