
STEW 206

Session Number


Session Title

Hydrology, Hydraulics and Drainage Considerations in Design and Construction

Track Title

Design and Construction

Event Description/Abstract

Frequency of Storm Events | The frequency of storm events used for stream permitting in Indiana is the 100-year frequency storm. That single storm event analysis may or may not tell the whole story as it relates to frequency of streambank and road overtopping and damage that can result from those more frequent events. The presentation will utilize an actual project hydraulic model that demonstrates how compliance with the stream permitting limitations does not necessarily ensure that a proposed project will be free from induced damages with more frequent events.


Mar 10th, 12:00 AM

Frequency of Storm Events

STEW 206

Frequency of Storm Events | The frequency of storm events used for stream permitting in Indiana is the 100-year frequency storm. That single storm event analysis may or may not tell the whole story as it relates to frequency of streambank and road overtopping and damage that can result from those more frequent events. The presentation will utilize an actual project hydraulic model that demonstrates how compliance with the stream permitting limitations does not necessarily ensure that a proposed project will be free from induced damages with more frequent events.