Recommended Citation
Pelaez, Nancy; Anderson, Trevor; Gardner, Stephanie M; Yin, Yue; Abraham, Joel K.; Bartlett, Edward; Gormally, Cara; Hill, Jeffrey P; Hoover, Mildred; Hurney, Carol; Long, Tammy; Newman, Dina L.; Sirum, Karen; Stevens, Michael. “The Basic Competencies of Biological Experimentation: Concept-Skill Statements“ (2017). PIBERG Instructional Innovation Materials. Paper 4.
Date of this Version
experimentation, biology education, DBER, undergraduate biology instruction, biology curriculum development, professional development, program evaluation, experimental design, competencies, learning assessment
This biological experimentation competencies map is a model created by members of the ACE-Bio Network of seven areas a competent biologist calls in when doing experimentation in biology. Each competency is represented by a summary word on a uniquely colored segment of the model. For presentation convenience, the seven major areas within experimentation in biology are mapped onto tables in a linear manner. However, this is not meant to convey a particular order that one must follow during experimentation. The areas are given equal weight and flexible order of their use throughout the process of experimentation. This work is meant to provide a framework for ACE Bio Network participants and other instructors or academic leaders in the biological sciences to study implementation of experimentation activities and assessments across diverse institutional and curricular contexts. In addition to the document in pdf format, another link provides the file in MSWord format so that users can easily modify it to guide assessment of student learning about experimentation, undergraduate biology instruction, curriculum development, professional faculty development, program evaluation, or review of research literature in a way that is appropriate to their own context.
If you use this work, please contact Nancy Pelaez at to inform and acknowledge support from the US National Science Foundation. Development of the work was funded by NSF grant #1346567. Any findings and recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.