
Aims & Scope

The aim of People and Animals: The International Journal of Research and Practice (PAIJ) is to promote the exchange of knowledge between the science and practice of animal-assisted interventions (AAI) and human-animal interactions (HAI). Original research and reviews are published in the science section and the implications for practices from the new knowledge is made available for AAI practitioners in the “Summary for practitioners” section that accompanies each article. The practice section of PAIJ provides a platform for practitioners in the field of AAI and HAI to share best practices, programs, new and innovative ideas, and approaches to interventions, education, and training, as well as views on practical issues, including ethical and legal aspects as well as insights on risk prevention. We invite contributions for both the science and practice sections from researchers and practitioners from a wide variety of disciplines such as psychology, medicine, education and special education, sociology, social work, nursing, veterinary medicine, ethology, biology, ethics, and law. An interdisciplinary view, whenever possible, is favored, as this reflects the philosophy of HAI and AAI.