Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Building and Construction Management



First Advisor

Hazar Dib

Second Advisor

Clark Cory

Committee Chair

Hazar Dib

Committee Co-Chair

Clark Cory

Committee Member 1

Bryan Hubbard


Building information modelling represents a building as a database of coordinated, consistent and computable information in construction (Sabol, 2008). There has been a recent trend to study the usage of BIM for post-construction facility management. Recently, attempts are also being made to link a BIM model with smart sensing technology or building automation systems (BAC). This thesis aims to investigate the feasibility of using sensor data from mote based light sensors tied to a BIM model, to be used for maintenance based facility management. More specifically, a prototype will be developed that integrates lighting sensor data collected using a mote tied to a wireless sensor network(WSN), with a BIM model. This integration will then be further developed for its capability of being used as a facility management tool for equipment inventory and preventive maintenance by linking COBIE sheets to it.
