Computational Nanoelectronics Research and Education at
Date of this Version
We gratefully acknowledge the work of the software team and the more thna 600 content contributors to date, as well as the leadership of the US National Science Foundation program managers and directors and Purdue University administrators, who saw the potential of this project. NSF awards EEC-0228390, EEC-0634750, OCI-0438246, and OCI-0721680 fund NCN. We also thank Chris Bowen and Shaikh Ahmed for sharing testimonials of nanoHUB impact in their work.
The simulation tools and resources available at offer significant opportunities for both research and education in computational nanoelectronics. Users can run simulations on existing powerful computational tools rather than developing yet another niche simulator. The worldwide visibility of nanoHUB provides tool authors with an unparalleled venue for publishing their tools. We have deployed a new quantum transport simulator, OMEN, a state-of-the-art research tool, as the engine driving two tools on nanoHUB. The educational resources of nanoHUB are one fo the most important aspects of the project, according to user surveys. new collections of tools into unified curricula have found a receptive audience in many university classrooms. The underlying cyberinfrastructure of nanoHUB has been packaged as a generic software platform called HUB-zero.
Computational; Electronics; Nanoelectronics; Modeling; nanoHUB;; OMEN; Rappture; GUI
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology