ABACUS and AQME: Semiconducor Device and Quantum Mechanics Education on nanoHUB.org
Date of this Version
We would like to thank the nanoHUB.org and Rappture development team for their constant support in our tool development. NCN and nanoHUB.org were originally funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) from 2002-2007 through a five-year grant (EEC-0228390) and have been renewed for another five years under a cooperative agreement with NSF (EEC-0634750). Part of the middleware was/is developed under an associated National Middleware Initiative (NMI) NSF grant (OCI-0438246) in 2004-2007 and a subsequent Software Development for Cyberinfrastructure (SDCI) NSF grant (OCI-0721680) in 2007-2010. An associated NSF grant (OCI-0749140) entitled "Accelerating Nano-scale Transistor Innovation though petascale Simulation" enables us to develop OMEN for peta-scale computing as well as for immediate nanoHUBM applications.
The ABACUS and AQME on-line tools and their associated wiki pages form one-stop shops for educators and students of existing university courses. They are geared towards courses like “introduction to Semiconductor Devices” and “Quantum Mechanics for Engineers”. The service is free to anyone and no software installation is required on the user’s computer. All simulations, including advanced visualization are performed at a remote computer. The tools have been deployed on nanoHUB.org in August 2008 and haven already been used by over 700 users. This paper describes nanoHUB educational tool user requirements and the motivation for and some details about these new tools. Usage patterns and future planned assessment are discussed. The concepts of “NCN supported” and “Community Supported” tools are discussed.
education, semiconductor, quantum mechanics, simulation, web-based, cyberinfrastructure