LITA 2009 National Forum | Library Publishing Division Legacy Publications | Purdue University

2009 LITA National Forum: Open and Mobile

The Call for Proposals is now closed. Thank you.

The 2009 National Forum Committee is currently reviewing proposals for high quality concurrent sessions and poster sessions for the 12th annual Library Information Technology Association National Forum to be held at the Hilton Salt Lake City Center in Utah from October 1-4, 2009.

The theme for this year's Forum is:
Open and Mobile.

The Forum Committee is reviewing proposals for presentations that highlight specific technology implementations; just over-the-horizon technologies that aren’t quite ready for implementation; or information technology research. We are interested in all types of libraries: public, government, school, academic, special, and corporate.

Proposals on any aspect of library and information technology were welcomed, including such topics as:

  • Handheld Technologies: PDAs, Smartphones, Tablet PCs
  • E-learning: Effective e-learning and distance learning for the mobile-optimized Web
  • Mobile Devices and Accessibility
  • Library-specific open source software (OSS) and other OSS "in" Libraries, technology on a budget
  • Exposing Library Services via APIs (or APIs in general): open data, open linking
  • Semantic Web
  • Anticipating Change: how libraries can be more mobile/flexible/responsive
  • Social Computing: social tools, collaborative software, etc.
  • User created content: Book reviews, tagging, etc.
  • Virtual worlds
  • Gaming in Education and Libraries
  • Federated and Meta-Searching: design and management, integrated access to resources, search engines
  • Digital Libraries/ Institutional Repositories: developments in resource linking, preservation, maintenance, web services
  • Authentication and Authorization: Digital Rights Management (DRM), authentication, privacy, services for remote patrons
  • Web design: information architecture, activity-centered design, user-centered design, usability testing
  • Technology Management: project management, geek management, budgeting, knowledge sharing applications
  • Internet Law: privacy, copyright, filtering
  • RFID in libraries

Presentations must have a technological focus and pertain to libraries and/or be of interest to librarians. Concurrent sessions are approximately 75 minutes in length and sessions of all varieties are welcomed from traditional single- or multi-speaker formats to panel discussions, case studies, and demonstrations of projects. Forum 2009 will also accept a limited number of poster session proposals. For projects that will still be in preliminary development in October 2009, we recommend presentations at a lightning talk or other "un-conference"-like activities for which time will be reserved at Forum. A call for these types of presentations and discussions will be issued after February 2009.

Presenters are required to submit draft presentation slides and/or handouts three weeks in advance for the Forum USB drive, and are required to submit final presentation slides or electronic content (video, audio, etc.) to be made available on the Web site after the event.

For the first time, the LITA Forum Planning Committee is using a new online system for accepting proposal submissions, reviewing them virtually, and soliciting feedback from our community.

Important Dates
Deadline for submission: CLOSED
Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2009
Slides submitted to LITA: September 7, 2009
2009 LITA National Forum: October 1-4, 2009

For the official Call For Proposals from the LITA website and more information, click here.