Chemical Information Instruction in Academe: Who Is Leading the Charge?


Chemical information instruction (CII) has been recommended by the ACS Committee on Professional Training as a necessary component of the chemistry curriculum for both undergraduate and graduate students. Surveys conducted by the ACS Chemical Information Division (CINF) Education Committee in 1984 and 1993 showed the extent that CII had become embedded within the curriculum and highlighted issues in providing adequate instruction. The authors have updated the survey instrument to reflect the changing nature of CII and surveyed ACS-approved institutions in 2004−2005. This paper presents the survey results, including comparisons with the two previous surveys, and highlights the contributions made both by librarians and chemistry instructors in imparting the proper use of the chemical literature and related resources.


chemical information, information literacy, chemical education, ACS, CPT

Published in:

Garritano, J. R.; Culp, F. B., Chemical Information Instruction in Academe: Who Is Leading the Charge? Journal of Chemical Education 2010, 87 (3), 340-344.

Date of this Version

