
This is the author accepted manuscript version of the work, published in College & Undergraduate Libraries,

Powell, S., Kong, N. (2017). “Beyond the One-Shot: Intensive Workshops as a Platform for Engaging the Library in Digital Humanities.” College & Undergraduate Libraries.


This article explores how librarian participation as instructors in week-long intensive classes—a common workshop format in Digital Humanities (DH)—can advance a variety of library objectives, while also uniquely supporting the DH community. Intensive workshops fall between the one-shot session and credit course formats more commonly found in library instruction. Drawing on case studies from Geographic Information Systems (GIS) instruction at DH institutes at the University of California Berkeley and Purdue University, the authors explore the origins of librarian involvement, course topics, pedagogy, and library services. Based on their instruction experiences in the DH summer institutes and student surveys, the authors argue that intensive instruction workshops provide a good potential platform for library involvement in Digital Humanities.


digital humanities, pedagogy, intensive instruction, information literacy, libraries

Date of this Version

