LARS Tech Report Number



This report describes work performed during the second part of the LARS/IBM HSC Joint Study program which began April 1, 1971 and terminated April 1, 1972. Work during the first part of the study ending November 30, 1971 concentrated on analysis of the HSC vidicon film scanning system. Included was a comparison of data derived from this system and the LARS/U. of Michigan airborne multispectral scanner system. Comparison of vidicon digitized film and film digitized on a rotating drum microdensitometer was also included. This work is reported in IBM Publication No. 320.2421 "First Interim Progress Report for IBM Houston Scientific Center/LARS - Purdue Joint Study Program." The second part of the study consisted of development of a closed boundary finding algorithm by IBM and its evaluation by LARS. The purpose of the algorithm is to enable automatic determination of boundaries, such as agricultural field boundaries, in digitized aerial or satellite imagery. The algorithm is described and a pictorial evaluation is presented in this report.

Date of this Version

January 1972
