"An Early Analysis of ERTS-1 Data" by D. A. Landgrebe, R. M. Hoffer et al.

LARS Tech Report Number



ERTS-A was successfully launched to become ERTS-l on July 23, 1972. The sensors on board were utilized to collect image data over the U.S. for the first time two days l a t e r on Tuesday, July 25. An early analysis of a data set was conducted at Purdue/LARS in order to arrive at preliminary indications as quickly as possible about the operating characteristics and potential value of this satellite as a data gathering device.

To this end a black and white image of channel 5 data together with tapes from the multispectral scanner was made available to Purdue on July 26, arriving by courier at about 11:00 P.M. Based upon a preliminary inspection of this data in image form, plans were made for four sub-projects. These involved the analysis by multispectral pattern recognition techniques of the full frame and two particular subframes and a study of the data quality as discussed below.

The frame made available for analysis (Frame 1002-16312) was taken from the first pass of the satellite across the U.S. and was of the Red River Valley area of Texas and Oklahoma. The frame is centered on a point fifteen miles southeast of Durant, Oklahoma and approximately five miles north of the Red River.

A first look at this data in image form suggested that the area might be rather barren; however, the analysis later showed this to be entirely incorrect. This frame contained important and interesting examples of geology, agriculture, range land, and water resources features.

Date of this Version

January 1972
