Purdue Libraries: World Wide Impact with the Purdue e-Pubs Institutional Repository
Streaming Media
The Purdue e-Pubs repository platform offered by the Purdue Libraries provides a very scalable and cost effective model for disseminating our research throughout Indiana and around the world. This video created by the Joint Transportation Research Program (JTRP) illustrates in real time the world wide impact of JTRP publications published by the Purdue Libraries Publishing Division and made openly available through the Purdue e-Pubs institutional repository.
Date of this Version
Joint Transportation Research Program, Purdue Libraries, Purdue e-Pubs
Recommended Citation
Joint Transportation Research Program, "Purdue Libraries: World Wide Impact with the Purdue e-Pubs Institutional Repository" (2014). JTRP Supplemental Materials. Paper 4.
Further details describing our partnership with the Purdue Library and our processes are described in the following papers and presentations:
M.P. Newton, D.M. Bullock, C. Watkinson, P.J. Bracke, and D. Horton. “Engaging New Partners in Transportation Research: Integrating Publishing, Archiving, Indexing of Technical Literature into the Research Process,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2291, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D. C., pp. 111-123, 2012. https://doi.org/10.3141/2291-13
Scherer, D., Zilinski, L.D., and Matthews, C.E. (2013, November). Opportunities and Challenges of Data Publication: A Case Study from Purdue. Presented at the 2013 Charleston Library Conference, Charleston, SC. http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/lib_fspres/38/.
Scherer, D., Zilinski, L.D., and Matthews, C.E. (2014). “Linking Data to Transportation Research.” 2014 Purdue Road School Conference, West Lafayette, IN. http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/roadschool/2014/presentations/78/.
Zilinski, Lisa, D., D.A. Scherer, Jr., D.M. Bullock, D.K. Horton and C.E. Matthews, “Evolution of Data Creation, Management, Publication, and Curation in the Research Process,” Transportation Research Board, Paper No. 14-0664, in press.
Zilinski, L., Scherer, D., Bullock, D., Horton, D., and Matthews, C. (2014). “Evolution of Data Creation, Management, Publication, and Curation in the Research Process“ Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/lib_fspres/45/