
County Highway Departments in Indiana follow guidelines approved by the State Board of Accounts, mainly for highway resource accounting and not for maintenance activity costing. The existing Daily Work Report Form was modified to help maintenance activity costing with more precise reporting of road location, equipment and material use and also for storage on a microcomputer database. The Highway Extension and Research Project for Indiana Counties and Cities (HERPICC) at Purdue University tested the recommended procedures in a pilot project with White County Highway Department in Indiana, U.S.A.. A user-friendly program was developed using the R-Base 5000 database software for maintenance activity accounting and has been recommended for use by county highway and city street departments in Indiana. In addition, organizational requirements such as maintenance staff training, requirements for road inventory and road section demarcation, and special considerations for unpaved road maintenance activities such as dragging, grading, spot regraveling and the reporting required are described.


road maintenance management, asset management

Date of this Version


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