Purdue e-Pubs - Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences: IT-Based Solutions for Users and Library Staff: Case Study of the Tallinn University of Technology Library

Session Number

Parallel Session 3C


web-based applications; topographic access to open stacks; reservation of study rooms; visits registration and statistical analysis; inventory of open stacks.


The new building of the Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) Library was opened in 2009. It has open stacks of about 210 000 volumes, which are located on 4 floors. The library has 32 study rooms and about 1 500 visits per day. In this paper some unique solutions are introduced, which have been worked out in cooperation between TUT librarians and library IT staff.

Information kiosk. One single access point for searching in e-catalogue ESTER and ISE database, topographic Open Stack Guide (OSG), study rooms reservation system. OSG is integrated with ESTER item records. There are two ways to find the item location in open stacks: starting from ESTER or starting from OSG. For the response the shelf of location will be shown on the floor map.

GateKeeper system. Registration of visits at the entrance gate. Patrons can use the library card with bar code or Estonian ID-card. Integrated with patron database, which allows real-time verification of patron status. Statistical reports about the visits and visitors in any combination of patron data and chronological limits could be produced.

Inventory of open stacks. The necessary set of records (based on call numbers) is generated from ESTER and loaded to mobile terminal. Using mobile terminal with bar code reader it is easy to scan the set of items. If the item is not on the right place the terminal gives an alert. Eventually the report of absent items will be generated.


Jun 3rd, 12:00 AM

IT-Based Solutions for Users and Library Staff: Case Study of the Tallinn University of Technology Library

The new building of the Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) Library was opened in 2009. It has open stacks of about 210 000 volumes, which are located on 4 floors. The library has 32 study rooms and about 1 500 visits per day. In this paper some unique solutions are introduced, which have been worked out in cooperation between TUT librarians and library IT staff.

Information kiosk. One single access point for searching in e-catalogue ESTER and ISE database, topographic Open Stack Guide (OSG), study rooms reservation system. OSG is integrated with ESTER item records. There are two ways to find the item location in open stacks: starting from ESTER or starting from OSG. For the response the shelf of location will be shown on the floor map.

GateKeeper system. Registration of visits at the entrance gate. Patrons can use the library card with bar code or Estonian ID-card. Integrated with patron database, which allows real-time verification of patron status. Statistical reports about the visits and visitors in any combination of patron data and chronological limits could be produced.

Inventory of open stacks. The necessary set of records (based on call numbers) is generated from ESTER and loaded to mobile terminal. Using mobile terminal with bar code reader it is easy to scan the set of items. If the item is not on the right place the terminal gives an alert. Eventually the report of absent items will be generated.