
Raising sustainability standards in leisure industry

Nowadays, it became clear that the option for sustainable development (SD) is not a discretionary choice, but an imperative for all of humanity. The SDG propose a common framework of peace and prosperity for people and the planet. The exponential growth of tourism, its multiple and transformative impacts on economies and the environment, place this industry at the epicentre of concerns about SD.

Based on the European DIRECTIVE (UE) 2022/2464, which complies European companies to produce a sustainability file integrated in the annual management report, this paper highlights social, cultural, environmental and governance indicators vis-a-vis with financial results. Linking the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) metrics for leisure facilities with the Tourism’ SDG and GSTC indicators, a framework based on the Pression-State-Response (PSR) model is presented. The objective is to help companies to select the best indicators to monitor their activity more efficiently. Additionally, the model presented provides information about: (i) the actions that pressure the environment, the cultural heritage and the local community; (ii) how it affects the resources involved; (iii) which responses companies, and society as a whole, can give to these changes to re(establish) the equilibrium.

By providing information related to sustainable weaknesses and strenghts that may affect the companies’ profit, managers will be able to report, not only the norms and indicators that will be considered mandatory by 2028, but also those that are better aligned with the strategy and objectives of the entity and which serve, simultaneous, as a policy instrument for the sustainable development.

Keywords: Sustainability, leisure facilities, Tourism Sustainable Development Goals, Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) indicators, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Pression-State-Response (PSR) model



Raising sustainability standards in leisure industry

Raising sustainability standards in leisure industry

Nowadays, it became clear that the option for sustainable development (SD) is not a discretionary choice, but an imperative for all of humanity. The SDG propose a common framework of peace and prosperity for people and the planet. The exponential growth of tourism, its multiple and transformative impacts on economies and the environment, place this industry at the epicentre of concerns about SD.

Based on the European DIRECTIVE (UE) 2022/2464, which complies European companies to produce a sustainability file integrated in the annual management report, this paper highlights social, cultural, environmental and governance indicators vis-a-vis with financial results. Linking the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) metrics for leisure facilities with the Tourism’ SDG and GSTC indicators, a framework based on the Pression-State-Response (PSR) model is presented. The objective is to help companies to select the best indicators to monitor their activity more efficiently. Additionally, the model presented provides information about: (i) the actions that pressure the environment, the cultural heritage and the local community; (ii) how it affects the resources involved; (iii) which responses companies, and society as a whole, can give to these changes to re(establish) the equilibrium.

By providing information related to sustainable weaknesses and strenghts that may affect the companies’ profit, managers will be able to report, not only the norms and indicators that will be considered mandatory by 2028, but also those that are better aligned with the strategy and objectives of the entity and which serve, simultaneous, as a policy instrument for the sustainable development.

Keywords: Sustainability, leisure facilities, Tourism Sustainable Development Goals, Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) indicators, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Pression-State-Response (PSR) model