
In Spring 2010, the USC Office of Research asked the Norman Lear Center to lead a series of small faculty meetings on the topic of Creativity & Collaboration in the Academy. Their aim was to keep USC at the forefront of research, particularly in the creative use of technology to enable collaborative research. As a culmination of those workshops, the Office of Research and the Lear Center are presenting a conference -- with participants from across USC and beyond -- to spotlight novel ways that research communities use technology and innovative practices to foster creativity and collaboration. It will showcase some of the research products emerging from those communities, and it will address the tensions between traditional academic culture and cutting-edge methods to expand knowledge and benefit society. The event features some of the leading thinkers who have been pushing the edge on new forms of research, including Arden Bement, former director of NSF; Katherine Rowe, who was recently featured in a front-page story in the New York Times and in the Chronicle of Higher Education for testing open review in the Shakespeare Quarterly; and Neil Buckholtz from NIH, who was also featured in a recent front-page New York Times piece about an innovative research collaboration on Alzheimer’s disease.


Dr. Arden L. Bement Jr., Arden Bement, Collaboration Academy, Norman Lear Center, University of Souther California, USC, Networked science, NEES, National Earthquake Engineering System, NSF, purdue libraries, Purdue e-scholar, purdue e-data, openDOAR, Purdue e-Archives, Purdue e-Pubs, STEM, CIC-Google, e-bin, D2C2, nanoHUB, HUBzero

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