"Validating Indiana's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Educati" by Hannah Corrine Boeh

Validating Indiana's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) medium term survey using NIH NCI ASA 24 dietary recalls

Hannah Corrine Boeh, Purdue University


Indiana’s Family Nutrition Program (FNP) is a nutrition education program that offers education at no cost to participants who qualify for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The medium term survey is a paper and pencil based tool that asks participants 17 questions about their usual dietary intake. This survey is completed by participants before and after receiving the Indiana FNP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) four core lessons: MyPlate, Label Reading, Grains, and Fruits & Vegetables. In this study a convenience sample of 27 low-income adults completed Indiana’s FNP medium-term survey and multiple Automated Self-Administered 24 Hour Dietary Recalls (ASA 24). Usual fruit, vegetable and whole grain consumption in cup equivalents from the medium term survey was compared to the average of multiple ASA 24s for the same dietary components. There was no significant difference between ASA 24 and medium term survey values for fruit and vegetable intake. However, whole grain consumption was significantly different (p = 0.004). Results suggest that the medium term survey is a valid tool for assessing usual participant consumption of fruits and vegetables, however, additional changes could be made to improve the medium term survey with regard to whole grain consumption.




Savaiano, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Education|Nutrition|Health education

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