"Numerical analysis of flow field for small scale helical twisted verti" by Sanjit Kumar Basak

Numerical analysis of flow field for small scale helical twisted vertical axis wind turbine (vawt)

Sanjit Kumar Basak, Purdue University


The primary objectives of this study include the numerical simulation of small scale Helical Twisted Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) to analyze flow field through and around it and to determine suitable siting conditions along with the wake consideration generated by the turbine rotation. Siting of the small scale VAWT is a prime concern to maximize power output from the turbine. The numerical simulation approach has advantages for obtaining the effect on flow field to determine the wake effect resulting from the turbine. Numerical simulations of fluid flow for VAWTs have been analyzed. Governing properties of the flow field are measured (i.e. velocity fluctuation and wake effects) for various conditions by the commercial software Fluent®. Simulation has been conducted for the steady state condition and the phenomenon can be described by the Navier Stokes equations. The aerodynamic performance of VAWT has been simulated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The variation of the variable characteristics for different elevations, conditions and geometries has been considered. Simulation of the VAWT is done based on wind tunnel testing conditions as a standard formulation for the all types of wind turbine testing numerically. Design conditions were based on the VAWT currently installed and operated on the roof of the Student Union Library (SUL) building on the Purdue University Calumet Campus. Validation of this type work is generally done experimentally from the commercial point of view. Recommendations for the possible improvement of the existing turbine and potential siting have been made.




Zhou, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Alternative Energy|Engineering|Mechanical engineering

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