Effects of Heat Flux, Mass Flux, Vapor Quality, and Saturation Temperature on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Microchannels
Flow boiling heat transfer with the refrigerants R-134a and R-245fa in copper microchannel cold plate evaporators is investigated. Arrays of microchannels of hydraulic diameter 1.09 and 0.54 mm are considered. The aspect ratio of the rectangular cross section of the channels in both test sections is 2.5. The heat transfer coefficient is measured as a function of local thermodynamic vapor quality in the range À0.2 to 0.9, at saturation temperatures ranging from 8 to 30 °C, mass flux from 20 to 350 kg mÀ2 sÀ1, and heat flux from 0 to 22 W cmÀ2. The heat transfer coefficient is found to vary significantly with heat flux and vapor quality, but only slightly with saturation pressure and mass flux for the range of values investigated. It was found that nucleate boiling dominates the heat transfer. In addition to discussing measurement results, several flow boiling heat transfer correlations are also assessed for applicability to the present experiments.
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Published in:
S. S. Bertsch, E. A. Groll, and S. V. Garimella, “Effects of Heat Flux, Mass Flux, Vapor Quality, and Saturation Temperature on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Microchannels,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow Vol. 35, pp, 142-154, 2009.