

In her article "Catalan and Galician Literatures in Iberian and European Contexts" Olivia Rodríguez González investigates the problematics of canon formation and proposes an approach within which the formation of a multi-system canon is possible. Reflections on the constitution of a European canon that would be the result of a proportional or market-driven combination of national literary canons leads to the conclusion that, with respect to the multicultural Spanish state, what will succeed in getting into the European canon will do so as a consequence of one of two processes. The first depends on what each literary system does to project itself to the outside world. The second refers to any planning that may be implemented by the Spanish (i.e., Iberian) interliterary system as an indirect route for projecting each of the peninsular literatures: Castilian, Basque, Catalan, Galician, and even Portuguese literature.
