
ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) is a set of properties that guarantee the reliability of database transactions [2]. ACID properties were initially developed with traditional, business-oriented applications (e.g., banking) in mind. Hence, they do not fully support the functional and performance requirements of advanced database applications such as computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, office automation, network management, multidatabases, and mobile databases. For instance, transactions in computer-aided design applications are generally of long duration and preserving the traditional ACID properties in such transactions would require locking resources for long periods of time. This has lead to the generalization of ACID properties as Recovery, Consistency, Visibility and Permanence. The aim of such generalization is to relax some of the constraints and restrictions imposed by the ACID properties. For example, visibility relaxes the isolation property by enabling the sharing of partial results and hence promoting cooperation among concurrent transactions. Hence, the more generalized are ACID properties, the more flexible is the corresponding transaction model.


Advanced Transaction Models, Extended Transaction Models

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Original Manuscript



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