Recommended Citation
Day, C., R. Haseman, H. Premachandra, T. Brennan, J. Wasson, J. Sturdevant, and D. Bullock. Visualization and Assessment of Arterial Progression Quality Using High Resolution Signal Event Data and Measured Travel Time. Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures Workshop. 2016.
Jan 26th, 12:00 AM
Visualization and Assessment of Arterial Progression Quality Using High Resolution Signal Event Data and Measured Travel Time
This poster corresponds to the following article: Day, C.M., R.J. Haseman, H. Premachandra, T.M. Brennan, J.S. Wasson, J.R. Sturdevant, and D.M. Bullock, “Evaluation of Arterial Signal Coordination: Methodologies for Visualizing High-Resolution Event Data and Measuring Travel Time,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2192, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., pp. 37–49, 2010.
This article can be found here: